Einblicke in die englische Arbeitswelt

Anfang des 2. Halbjahres hatten 15 Schüler*innen aus der EF und Q1 wieder die Gelegenheit, im Rahmen des Workexperience-Austauschs mit dem Hockerill Anglo-European College in Bishop’s Stortford ein fünftägiges Praktikum in einem örtliche Betrieb zu absolvieren. Begleitet wurden sie dabei von Claudia Schockmann und Wibke Warnke.

Auch in diesem Jahr kamen die Schüler*innen voller positiver Erfahrungen zurück: “In der Woche, die ich in England verbracht habe, hatte ich nicht nur die Möglichkeit dazu, Berufserfahrungen zu sammeln, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, meinen englischen Sprachgebrauch auszuweiten. Ich habe sehr nette Menschen kennenlernen dürfen und wurde mit großer Gastfreundlichkeit empfangen. Insgesamt war mein Aufenthalt in Bishop’s Stortford eine sehr positive Erfahrung und ich würde diese jedem weiterempfehlen”, so die Meinung von Ima (Q1).

Auch Carlotta (ebenfalls Q1), die ihr Praktikum in einer Grundschule absolvierte, beschreibt ihre Erfahrungen: “On my first day, I arrived at Summercroft Primary School at 8:30 am.
The School has very strict security guidelines, that’s why I had to check in and got a name tag.
Afterwards, Ms.Richardson showed me the class (Year 5 Sycamore) and their teacher Mr.Wilson that I was staying with for most of the week. When we arrived there, I introduced myself to the class and dropped my things off. We met the House captains at the Library, and they showed us around the School (Classes, staff room, cafeteria, etc.). By the time we got back, all of the classes were already at the Assembly and they were singing a song.
The first lesson was Maths which they do every day, they started with some revision from the day before and went on with completing tasks in their textbooks.
My job was to go around and answer questions from the children, surprisingly they weren’t hesitant at all, that’s why we really had something to do on the first day.
The classes second subject was spelling, they were learning about irregular plural forms of words.
During their English lesson, they read another chapter of the Book Odysseus, and they had to write a story based on predictions on how the book might go on. At the end of the class, the children had to line up to go for lunch break, and we went with them. After Lunch, they had a Music lesson with Mr.Webb in which they learned how to play a song on the glockenspiel. While they practiced we went around and listened to them and at the end of the lessons they performed in front of the class. During the last lesson of the day, the teaching assistant was teaching. The Children had to work with their Chromebooks, they created shapes on a programming app.”

Der Praktikumsbesuch der Engländer*innen erfolgte bereits im Januar.